• The echoing halls
    Tell a sroty.
    Step inside and have a seat
    The tale's about to begin.

    Many a wanderer has wandered the halls
    Each shouting out for an echo.
    They journey alone
    And it is unknown to them:
    The walls in the halls hear and remember.

    The walls in the halls bounce back the calls
    And it would seem those echoes disappear.
    But no.
    In the deepest section of the halls
    Where no one ventures anymore
    You can still hear the cries long since passed.
    They've only become more quiet.

    As you can probably guess
    Each cry starts with "Hello!"
    Then, in a mightier bellow, they laugh.
    But the longer you're in the halls
    The more the truth starts to come out.
    And this
    Is where the stories lie.

    In one case
    The story started very quickly.
    After his utterance of "hello"
    This fellow decided to keep going.
    "Hello?" "Hello?!"
    Until he cried
    "Is anyone there?!"
    "Can anyone hear me?!"
    He lost himself. He got too into character.
    "Please!! Is there someone out there?!"
    "Answer me!!"
    Of course
    The only answer was his own repeated words.
    Then the tears came.

    "Don't... don't leave me all alone...
    My dear, young bride...
    Why did you leave me for death?
    Was death so wonderful?!"
    No reply.
    He wiped his eyes and left.

    You can still hear his staggering footsteps.
    You can hear him whisper her name.

    Now enter into a different chamber
    And listen to a child's cry.
    "I wish I could fly!"
    Such an innocent spirit
    Not yet crushed by reality.

    The cry of the noble
    With righteous ideals
    "Give peace a chance."
    Knowing full well their wish won't be granted.
    Knowing full well that this world is slanted.
    Planted seeds... in barren soil.
    Toil now, the people whose dreams will never come true.

    You can hear their voices crack with emotion.
    You can hear their voices strong with devotion.

    You hear in a crevase...
    Press your ear against the wall.
    On the other side you hear
    The saddest story of them all.

    The cry of a someone
    Who has lost their last shread of hope.
    Crying, repeating
    Crying, repeating
    "Please let me die...
    Please let me die...
    Please let me die..."
    Come away from the wall.
    Listen to that story no more.
    That feeling is contagious, so please come away.

    In the last chamber
    Lies the happiest tale.
    Frail and old
    Not cold, but warm.
    From the heart, where love is born.

    "I love you!"
    She shouts.
    "I love you!"
    Is her answer
    But it's not the wall that replied.
    It is the He that stands next to Her.
    Back and forth they echo eachother.
    You han hear her sigh for him.
    You can hear him sigh for her.
    You can hear a quiet kiss...
    Blissfully, they leave.

    The echoing halls
    Tell a story.
    Which one will you give?