• my kind of music,
    My favorite song,
    I want to be with you
    All day & all night long...

    A spring breeze,
    A summer sun,
    Now that I know you
    You are my one...

    A winter sparkle,
    An autumn tree,
    Added all up
    It equals you & me...

    My best friend,
    My only lover,
    From here on out
    I'll keep you forever...

    A good laugh,
    With some happy tears,
    You're the one I go to
    Through all the coming years...

    When it rains it rains,
    When it snows it snows,
    I wrote this specially for you
    & you're the only one who knows...

    You keep me warm,
    When I'm so cold,
    As if my heart were for sale
    To you it was sold...

    Whether playing our favorite games,
    Or to music we sing & listen,
    When it comes to you
    There's just no competition...

    Not the best cut diamonds,
    Or the reddest rose,
    Could ever amount to
    When you hold me close...

    & when everything is said & done,
    The night is over & we've had our fun,
    Out of all the men I choose just one,
    The best one of all & that's you Hun.