• Death is there
    Knocking at my door
    Beckoning me
    Calling me to him
    How long can I avoid him
    How long can I last
    I grow weary
    More and more do I hear his calls
    More and more I become less in control
    How long can I stay away
    How long can I remain

    Days pass
    I grow weaker and weaker
    My mentality is vanishing
    I can no longer hear my own voice
    All that fills my head and mind
    Is the sound of the pounding on that door
    How long can I keep my sanity
    For The pounding wont stop
    Some days it appears to be stifled
    But I know it is still there
    Death is pounding as hard as ever
    Beckoning me to open the door
    How long will I be able to last

    That sound
    The pounding at my door
    It seems more inviting now
    I can no longer fight it
    I can do nothing but go to it
    To the other side of that door
    How long will it take for me to get there
    I open the door
    Death reaches out his hand
    So inviting
    I take his hand
    Death no longer has to ask for me
    For I come willingly to him