• This world I know,
    Is passing me by.
    Like I dont belong in it,
    Like I wasnt made for this world.

    I sit here wondering how to change,
    This world I know I wasnt made for.
    Time passes me by,
    Like Im stuck in a frozen time zone.

    I lay here thinking how to get out,
    Of the frozen time zone Im stuck in.
    People pass me by,
    As if I didnt exsist in the frozen timed world.

    I stand here wondering how the world got to,
    People passing eachother in a frozen world.
    In which I didnt belong to,
    And wasnt made for in the first place.

    I wait here thinking how I got to,
    A world which didnt want me to exsist.
    Life passed me by,
    Before I realized I wasnt spose to leave it.

    I come back here watching how much I missed,
    In the world I though I didnt belong in.
    The same world I thought I didnt exsist in,
    I felt as if I was stuck in frozen time.

    I come back here knowing how much I lost,
    In the world where I thought people passed me by.
    I come back here finding out,
    How I was loved by many of those people.

    I died there thinking how I didnt belong,
    In a world I felt unloved and time was frozen.
    People didnt pass me, nor did time or the world,
    Life passed me by because I passed everything it gave me.