• "Helping you out ain't that easy hun
    I lend you my hand
    and my love with no fret
    Yea I know, I know
    you call it tough love
    but putting me down
    just makes ME more upset

    It's been how long?
    Oh a while i see
    and I've been trying to get as close as I can
    Seems like YOU dont care
    from the way you treat me
    looks like using me was just a part of your "plan"

    I've tried, and I've tried
    to help YOU when your down
    but when I'm sad and depressed
    you just don't give a s**t
    Then I always help you
    turn that frown upside down
    but when I need someones help
    YOU just throw me a fit

    I'm just tired of YOUR crap!
    I can't take it any longer!
    I've cried, and I've cried
    jus to try to forget
    Now you wanna be friends?
    HaHa well I've learned to be stronger
    looks like loosing our friendship
    was YOUR biggest regret..."