• A box within a box,
    within a box Shallow, hollow, empty box,
    Or is it?
    Like building blocks Of stone; of steel
    Anger, frustration Collecting within
    Forming a great wall.
    A wall of ravaging anger
    Thrusting, pounding, raging To be set free.
    Set free from cementations of feelings
    Clusters and clusters, Of regrets, next hatred, next to lust and greed
    Wanting to be the best Beat all the rest,
    Longing to be number ONE. But this wall; this wall
    Of ungratefulness, un-peacefulness
    Shields any such victory from being reality.
    Such a hollow, fragile box
    Tightly packed, shelled in tight
    With a golden lock and key.
    Who bares such a key?
    The key to set me free
    Free of the emotion
    Free of the emptiness.
    Who bares such a power?
    The power to unlock this golden lock With that golden key
    To knock down this wall and set me free
    To open this box,
    Within a box, within a box
    This shallow, hollow empty box
    Or is it?