• You said,
    "Take my hand and i will forever protect you with my life"
    And i gladly obliged.
    And i said,
    "I will take your hand and in return i shall give you my heart."
    You greatfully accepted and gave me yours as well.
    We always smiled.
    We always felt like we would be together forever.
    And thank god we still are.
    If you left me,
    I wouldnt be able to go on.
    And i want you to know that i love you.
    And that i will willingly give up my life for you
    And to be with you id give everything and anything.
    I always missed you when we werent talking.
    Its funny how past relationship,
    Cant compare to ours.
    I thought i knew love,
    But each and every day you show me a new level,
    And i think that you are so beautiful,
    Inside and out, through and through.
    And no one can tell me that i dont love you.
    'Cause i damn well know that i love you.
    And no one is gonna tell me otherwise.
    And no one could ever take your place in my heart.
    Not anyone.
    And i know that we will be together,
    Forever and always.