• I have been searching all around
    for something that remains unbound.
    A object, No.
    A noun- nothing that is too profound
    that would describe how I feel about
    a face or place; a idea about the town.
    Somewhere I have visited with a stranger I have seen around.
    What name or label to dispatch?
    There is always a catch.
    Maybe I should have asked to see a crown
    ID or license of undeniable truth
    that this person can, indeed, be found,
    But so far there is only a reminder that you were never by my side.
    Like kids playing in the park,
    you run away and hide.
    I just want to be by your side.
    You float away like a bubble in the gentle breeze
    that is far out of my reach.
    I know I should not pry,
    but I can not believe my eyes.
    The last thing I want to do is be engulfed,
    but I am so fascinated.
    I think I am falling out of place,
    wherever I was before I met your pace.
    This is a mistake.
    Where you are I cannot be,
    so let us both live in peace.
    We’ll sow separate paths and be careful not to mix with the weeds.
    Now everyone can be freed.