• my mommy told me to wear a smile and to never shed a tear, she said its time for me to face all of my worst fears. lets go to the massacre, the beautiful massacre, the wonderful massacre, the bloodiest masscre.
    my daddy said to hold my breath while we take a ride. my daddy said to just hold still and wait for it to die. lets go to te massacre, the bloodiest massacre, the suicidal massacre, the king of all massacre's, lets go, lets go
    I herd my friends say ''don't forget to smile"
    I herd my daddy say "your living in denial"
    we're at the bloodiest manifest, living in denial. we're at the asylum for the phycopaths, living life so vile. we're at the massacre, beautiful massacre, suicidal massacre, we're here today.
    mommy's crying tears, daddys facing fears
    crying tears of blood
    cring tears of blood
    we're at the massacre, massacre. the deadliest massacre.
    we're here today