• I push on
    through the stress
    and through the pain
    I push on through the fire
    and through the flames
    Constantly fighting for a goal never clear
    always foggy and unseen
    I push on never knowing why
    I push on never knowing where
    Just knowing that I cant give up
    Just knowing that somewheres I'm needed
    I'm needed for a reason
    thats foggy and unseen
    but theres always a reason
    always a reason not to die
    not to just give up
    always a reason to keep on pushing
    there will always be one
    no matter the pain
    no matter the obsticals
    you have to push
    never let anyone say you cant
    never let them say your not good enough
    never give up
    and push
    push on and on
    through the pain
    and through the flames
    never take a break
    'cause every time you do
    you'll start to fade away
    people will forget who you are
    and the pain will get worse
    the fires will get hotter
    but you need to push
    push on and on
    through the stress
    and the pain
    through the fires
    and the flames
    never give up
    never let it die
    'cause there will always be a reason
    to keep on pushing foward