• You see something coming,
    For you from that other side,
    You look down and you see no shadow,
    You look around you,
    The thing that is coming for you is a shadow,
    You come face to face with this shadow,
    And out no where there come more,
    You turn and started to run,
    But then something stops you,
    You look up and see the one that you love,
    He looks at you and asks for help,
    So you go and try to save him,
    You see that there are more shadows,
    You fight your to him,
    You ask him why are you here,
    He turns and looks at you and says,
    I am here to help you face your shadows,
    It is time that you find away out of this world,
    And find your way to the wold of light,
    You start to fight your way out of the world of the shadows,
    To the world of the light,
    You started to say that there is no way out,
    But when all hope is lost,
    You come face to face with your inner shadows,
    You fight and fight,
    But you still cannot get out,
    Just then you remember that you,
    Are facing your fear,
    And that all these shadows are you in fear,
    Of what you may less in life,
    Right then you look around,
    And the shadows are gone,
    And now you can find your way,
    Into the light world and no more,
    Face to face with the shadows.