• heart A poem written as if i were there heart

    a wonderful game of remembering
    the past,
    hanging out with friends
    and having a blast,
    i dreamed of the future,
    and what lied ahead,
    i had to keep myself sturdy,
    or wind up dead.
    i had to find a way out of this range,
    and i found a journal,
    and in it,
    this blank page.
    im filling it with thoughts of fear,
    and losing those were close and dear.

    the scearming of voices that were all very near,
    and to think that some peolpe just stood there to cheer!
    the nerve of some peolpe!
    they don't even care!
    they make it seem like were not even there
    we have lost so many,
    during our fight.
    dont these peolpe know whats wrong,