• A slowly moving tear rolling down my eye
    People walking by
    Not knowing the pain that lies
    We go our separate ways
    And I suffocate
    As I slowly count the days
    Rage flourishes throughout my body
    Beauty throughout yours
    The sun brightens the sky
    but darkens my day

    So many sins
    So many pains
    It all hurts so much
    But I have to pay

    This I my debt
    It’s so much regret
    If only I didn’t do wrong
    But my list is too long
    My pay is you
    I wish it weren’t true

    Ur eyes,
    Ur smile,
    Ur love….
    It’s more beautiful than a single white dove

    I guess this is it
    I no longer fit
    We weren’t meant to be
    I was blind, not able to see
    Your love has now left
    Maybe someone will find,
    What I should have kept

    ~Robert ZUZPE