• You hear your parents fight,
    and beer bottles smash.
    You want no more than to leave,
    to escape their horrible rath.

    After they've all gone to sleep,
    you slip into the bathroom.
    You have to hurry now,
    or you could face your doom.

    Stick your finger down your throat,
    and prepare for the acid taste.
    You're doing this for your own good,
    so you don't feel like a waste.

    After you're done,
    you go into your room.
    You grab the knife out of the drawer,
    and prepare for the blood to flume.

    You forget about your friends,
    who want you so much to stop.
    You just want to die right now,
    and for your body to rot.

    The pain makes you numb,
    the blood brings a smile to your face.
    You are truly happy now,
    in this scary forgotten place.

    You fall asleep on your tear-stained pillow,
    and your friend's face flashes through your mind.
    You scream into the darkness,
    and wish you didn't have to be blind.