• I'm walking on floating stones up past the clouds and to the stars. With each step I take a feel lighter. My legs seem to be moving on their own for I can not feel them. I look at the stones I walk on an each stone looks like something is righten on them but I walk to fast to read them. I look up from the stones and see a man smiling and holding his hand out to me as I come closer. He begins to speak these words to me as a golden gate opens at his back. I reach for his hand but just as my fingers brush his I fall hard and fast back to the earth. I am slammed back into my body. I jolt up and gasp in a puff of air just as I slip from my bed to crash to the floor screaming as I fall. I laid there gasping for air as my heart beat 100 miles per hour smashing against my ribcage like it wished to bust from it. Now tell me this would not send a shiver down your spine if you had this dream. eek

    Forget me not, my memories hold them tight
    Lock them in your heart and mind
    Let them flow freely through your dreams
    And cradle you in your darkest days to come
    My words let them never fade
    Engrave my words upon the stones you walk on each day
    Use them as the stepping stones
    I have laid down for you to walk upon
    The gates await your arrival my child
    Come and lay your heavy burdens at my feet
    Bear them no longer for you are home
    Welcome home my child, now you are free