• Dear You,
    please stop can we be done I hate talking to people that I'm done with and who are done with me
    Look you've gone and made my knees twitch and my vision is flashing black and I feel dirty and hot and I don't want to talk about endings. Now look, my palms are bleeding from my constant digging and I think my hair is standing on end because I'm seeing a ghost
    of you because
    you need sleep (whenever we talk) and I need to clean (always) and I can't make myself leave because I want so badly to be done andandand I named a pen after you a while ago
    and it just died.

    Dear You,
    I know you're not thinking about me but I can't help but think of you because I'm still twitching and it's been almost twelve hours since I gave up and let you have all the power and my palms are practically gaping and my nails are down past the quick and every time they twinge and burn they remind me of hell so they remind me of you even though I don't matter to you and nevernevernever did and five years isn't that long to be friends, right, I was just being silly, right?

    Dear You,
    you make all my clothes feel seven sizes too small and when you keep saying my name in every reply it makes me feel like this air sin't mind and I should not be allowed to breath it in, that I should be punished for this andandand no I never lied not once I swear I just don't do well with connotation and punctuation and breathing so I think sometimes you misunderstood but it was my fault because you're rightrightright
    You don't live here you never have you never called and I never texted I've never heard your voice and you've never heard mine and now I'm glad because I would have a voice to glue together to that was pretty selfish and I think I'd not be able to ignore you-again.
    Please stop I don't do this you shouldn't do this you knew the answers before you aksed I love you please take care.

    Are you mad that you got to ignore us for years and we never asked why but evenutally it fired back?
    Sorry I had to be the gun.

    Don't do it again you were never upset you weren't ever hurt and you just wanted to
    catch my feet on fire so you could watch me hobble away
    so ******** you.

    I love you please don't have the flu.