• Young man in a rut
    With nothing but the gun in his hand
    He thinks seriously about what he's doing
    The past brandished and bland

    Their vows so sweet and true
    To finally find peace, he thought was good
    But love isn't always simple and clean
    And Breaking Down Doors always hit the scene

    Little annoyances, small but wary
    Bugged his soul, beyond irritation
    And so the arguing started, but never ceased
    Mostly driven by him, his need to mean

    He takes a careful look at that gun and what he's done
    Prays to God, the first time in twelve years long
    Asks why he's cursed, and the vision occurs
    The cycle of hate, left to bleed at his soul

    "You must be crazy, you must be insane
    Breaking down my doors at age eighteen"

    He drove her insane with his arguing spree
    She must have feared him doing something hazy
    And ran away from all that hate
    For fear instilled her heart to break

    "I'm a ******** idiot, I had no clue
    That I was this violent, that I could do this to you"

    God damn parents, with their god damn hate
    This boy has sinned
    Aren't you proud of what you made?

    He stands over her corpse, three bullets deep in her head
    And the flowing tears of a monster
    Oh, they never seem to end
    She was seven months pregnant, with that baby girl
    His anger took him, breaking down doors again

    If life had equivalence, then his thoughts were stuck on this
    "I'm sorry baby, let this make up for my sin"

    That dash of death, pointed at temple blank
    The poor boy wants to live, but his life is that of hate
    So he pulls that trigger
    "Damn, it's a ******** blank"

    And those doors break down again
    He seems to be on the receiving end
    Captured on murder, the police are proud
    Guilty he pleads, the crime of infection drowned

    At least he has time to think about it now
    For jail doors are hard to break down
    But if it weren't for the hate his parents spewed out
    Where would he be now?
    Not Breaking Doors Down