• she says his name in her sleep
    hes the greatest thing she'll ever meet
    and every time she sees his face
    she realizes her small place

    because the ground she's on
    is lacking now
    she doesnt even
    really know how
    to hold herself up
    the tears come fast
    with darkness around her
    she lets down the mask

    staring right into his gorgeous eyes
    she waits for me to see the lies
    and he knows but he's so quiet
    theyre both barely gettin by it


    if he would look
    if he could see
    she loves him
    so damn desperatly
    if he could look
    if he would see
    the way she wants
    the two to be
    if he could look
    if he could see
    if only
    if only


    with darkness around her
    she lets down the mask