• I live in a world where everything is made of lies,
    Where everyone is who you despise,
    Where family and friends are people you can not trust.
    I live in a world where death is a must.

    I live in a world where children's cries aren't heard,
    Where empty stomachs repeatedly occure,
    Where people kill eachother just for fun.
    I live in a world ruled by guns.

    I live in a world where peace, people forgot,
    Where relationships are mistreated,
    Where cheating and decieving is greeted.
    I live in a world where anything can be bought.

    I live in a world where it is always cold,
    Where everyone is too scared to be bold,
    Where everyone will watch someone else die.
    I live in a world where heroes do not apply.

    I live in a world where there is nothing but cars,
    Where pollution covers up the night stars,
    Where gas masks will soon be ours.
    I live in a world that is being destroyed.

    I live in a world where many people don't realize,
    Where people don't think to open their eyes,
    Where children are too scared to look outside.
    I live in a world, this world, and so do you..