• Blue is a mystery
    Blue is our sad
    Blue is our history
    Not all of it glad.
    Blue is are base
    Our mellow friend
    To calm us and reason
    and show us the end.

    Blue is our seas
    Blue is our sky
    Blue is the place
    We hope for as we die.
    Blue is our dreams
    Our own fantasy
    She twists them and turns them
    until we can see.

    She shows us the present
    And shows us the past
    Until we can see
    Our problems at last.
    Blue is the cotton
    Within our candy
    It's the lines on our paper
    All of them handy.

    Blue is playful
    Blue is peace
    Blue is a mutual
    And likes to please.
    Blue has a sent of our salty sea
    And the sweet of a candy
    That is very surgary.

    Blue is a baby
    A babbling baboon
    That bounces and bounds
    While blowing a balloon.
    Blue is our happy
    With hidden sad
    It is below the ending of a story
    In which always ends glad.