• nobodies perfect? but how can we be? when we experience so much turbulence, we on the flight to the top, hopin we dont fall, hopin nothing stops us from reaching our goals, but everything has a price, and life is takin its toll, whether it be the mind, body or soul...Cuz every time it takes away, and someone gets lost, then they become cold...and others wont fold..but holding onto your dream is difficult, but if something bad happens, your at fault...so take responsibility for your mistakes, cuz you made them without knowing what was at stake, and i aint saying this for my sake...no its more for you...maybe this words are the clue for you to get your life together...cuz its in pieces, and u would rather ignore it, just waitin for it to destroy you, But Destroy and rebuild, just refill what was lost, start anew, if i did, you can too