• twisted

    I had a conversation with death
    But it was not my time
    I begged on my knees for the time to come
    But my gift wasn't mine

    I cried and I sobbed
    And I hated myself
    Because all i wanted
    Was a bit of help

    I explained that I had asked God
    And I was told no
    He wants me to live
    But I want to go

    I showed him the cuts
    I had made on myself
    And all that i asked
    Was put on a shelf

    Blessings are not my forte
    I do not like them
    I wish they wouldn't happen
    Yet I cannot fight them

    I had a conversation with God
    And I asked him for death
    He told me to wait
    And I said I had too long left

    I just want to go
    But nobody will let me
    'Please just make it silent; not painful
    And please let it happen swilftly'

    But I was turned down
    Like all the times before
    I ask for less
    But they only give more

    I want life cut short
    I just want to die
    They'll only be satisfied
    When they find out why

    I asked my mother
    If I could be gone
    And she didn't give me
    The answer: the one

    'I brought you in this world
    And I can take you out'
    Those are the words
    I was expecting to come out

    'I ain't God
    And I ain't the Devil'
    I needed a few minutes
    To keep myself level

    Why does it seem
    That what you want
    Always seems
    To run away like a runt

    Is it scared
    Until it sneaks up
    And your life is over
    Because you were down on your luck?

    When you need it
    It's never there
    A fairweather friend
    It doesn't really care

    So don't mess with God
    And don't flirt with Death
    And don't ask your Mama
    It'll just make a mess.
    Love, Blu
    P.S. Plus, you'll be alive