• The end
    It’s coming
    And we can’t do anything.
    As the end comes
    I’m just going to sit back
    And enjoy my last moments.

    Watch the sunset
    And see the magnificent colors
    Being painted on the sky
    As if someone is taking a paint brush
    And splashing colors everywhere.

    Watch the stars at night
    The night time sun
    Glistening on the shore
    Shooting threw the sky
    Like there’s no one
    Or anything stopping it
    From doing what it wants to do.

    The city people
    Not noticing the true beauty earth.
    “Mommy what’s that shinny thing in the sky?
    Is it a UFO?!”
    Kids always being lost
    When looking at the sky at night.
    Always zooming past everything
    As if we’re constantly in rush
    Not knowing the feeling of taking a break.

    The end is coming soon
    And all those people
    Won’t see what I see.
    Unknowing of what’s going on around them.
    Is that what we want?