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    LiKe A gLaSs RoSe, My HeArT hAs BeEn ShAtTeReD,
    A mIlLiOn PiEcEs LeFt To FiNd.
    ThE cRiMsOn BlOoD iS tHoRoUgHlY sPlAtTeReD,
    A tHoRn Is PiErCiNg InTo My MiNd.

    A cLoAk Of DaRkNeSs ArOuNd My SoUl,
    A pOoL oF tEaRs In My EyEs.
    NeVeR aGaIn WiLl My HeArT bE wHoLe,
    I wAs DrAwN iN bY yOuR lIeS...