• I'm walking up to the starting line
    Everyone's nervous
    As we stretch our legs
    The person firing the gun
    Blows his whislte to make sure the track is cleared
    "Runners to your mark" he yells
    We get into our starting positions
    "Get set"
    As we wait for him to fire
    We concentrate on nothing but the end
    Finish first
    We're off
    Running as fast as we can
    Not looking back
    "She's right on my tail"
    Is what someone is thinking
    The end
    It's so close but so far away
    Faster, faster, keep running
    And before you know it
    It's all over
    You stay in your lane
    Waiting for the results
    Gasping for air
    The recorder walks over to you
    Nervous so nervous
    You think the worst
    "Did I lose? I started good, but in the end did I let it slip through my fingers?"
    "You got 1st place"
    Says the recorder
    Happy, so very happy
    You want to jump up in the air
    Yell "I won"
    But you know that isn't good sportsmanship
    You encourage your opponents
    Telling them they did a good job
    You walk over to your friends, who as if you won
    You smile and say....
    "Yea, I did"