• I sit among the flowers, to remember
    What I'd lost. I search the sky.
    My heart now bruised, broken and lost.
    What happened is now the past.
    I shall hold those memories close, for it was not all bad.
    Your voice, your smile, will always leave happy thoughts in my mind.

    Although your words hurt, your soul was kind.
    I reminice on good times, July, August, and september.
    Looking back on those times sometimes make me sad.
    I shed a couple tears, then just think back and sigh.
    I think to myself, it went by so fast.
    I held you dear, while into the trash my hart, you tossed.

    The tears are still flowing, I continue till I exaust
    myself. It's as if your love is hard to find.
    I should not have thought it would always last.
    I still think of you and it's almost Novemeber?
    When I fall, I fall hard and have no idea why
    I guess to stop the tears; I must think of the good times that we had.

    When I was just a girl, and you just a lad.
    You brought me flowers, oh what that must have cost.
    And from that point I knew you would forever be my true love.
    Little did I know, that all those cards you signed with
    "I love you" were bull. I knew this in December when, I broke my leg and you wrote only your first name on my cast.

    Then once a few days passed
    You told me "Im stressed; I need some time to unwind."
    It was then, my heart you began to dismember.
    I froze, my heart was now covered with a heavy frost.
    Before I came back to normal, it would be largely timed.
    You killed me internally, I just can't lie.

    I now know my heart is not going to die.
    I tear up your photo and I'm better in a blast.
    That photo of you I held as a shrine
    Will no longer hold the memories I had
    That I am choosing to forget, my eyes no longer glossed
    Over with tears. They no glow happy like ember.

    So I sit among the flowers, to forget
    What is gone? I search the sky
    My heart now bandaged, healed and found.
    What happened is now forgotten.
    I shall send those memories away, for they serve no use to me.
    Your voice, your smile, will always leave worthless thoughts in my mind.

    And I'm alright; At Last