• A flower opening
    Opening to its beauty
    A butterfly flying
    Flying toward its serenity

    I see you
    from the corner of my eye
    You look tired. running perhaps?
    What are you looking for?

    Our eyes meet
    shock plays across your face
    embarrassment plays across mine
    I start to wonder why you look that way

    All of a sudden I'm being lead down the hall
    My hand in yours. My heart starts to race
    I stare into blue eyes and hear you say
    "What would you do if i said I love you?"

    You look away before I can speak
    My mind is going a mile a minute
    I can't breathe
    We're at the end of the hall

    You stop. I don't.
    I wrap my arms around you
    with my head on your chest
    "I love you too. I always have."

    Brown eyes look up at blue
    Everything fades away
    It's just you and me
    finally together here and now

    A tree growing
    Growing to it's wisdom
    A dragon soaring
    Soaring to greater heights

    I love you is all I wanted to say
    And I finally told you today