• It seems like it's
    the last time-
    I'll see your smiles.

    It seems like it's.
    the last farewell wave-
    The last backward glance.

    I stand and watch,
    not wanting it
    to end.

    I stand and watch,
    from the very end
    of the road.

    As the setting sun captures,
    the faces turning and
    walking hesitatingly away

    As we turn and wave,
    from opposite sides,
    stepping into different worlds.

    I stand and watch,
    from the very end
    of the road.

    I stand and watch,
    not wanting it
    to end.

    It seems like it's.
    the last farewell wave-
    The last backward glance.

    It seems like it's
    the last time-
    I'll see your smiles.