• As the rain falls down, she just stands there, with a sadden look upon her face.
    The world never knew how hard they had hit her with the words they would say.
    She tried to make it all better.
    She tried to day, that they just didn't understand.
    But when in all reality, they knew, and they just acted upon it.
    They didn't care who she was.
    Just played with the rumours of the cuts and scars upon her body.
    They acted as though they cared.
    Then when given the chance they stabbed her in the back.
    Never looking back.
    They just kept repearing those things.
    Over and over again.
    Not caring that she was slowly dieing.
    Not realizing that the words would leave the worst scars upon her body and soul.
    Never knowing what it was actually like to be her.
    Never knowing what it is actually like to be hurt by those words.
    She feared to look at the world.
    As the rain deops fell, one by one, so did the tears.
    And as the blade dug deeper and deeper.
    The blood ran and dropped into the puddle beneath her.
    One by one.
    And the fear upon her face.
    She was a lost person in her own body.
    Like a lost person in space.
    And the fear of dieing, the one we alll know will come.
    The one we all fear will be tomorrow.
    Was her today.
    She cut too deep into her arm.
    And as the last blood drop fell.
    So did she.
    Into the puddle beneath her.
    Never to be forgotten by those who had hurt her.
    They had the blood of someone else on their hands.
    And it just wouldn't go away.
    But for now she would just lay.
    In that puddle, dead and alone.
    To be found the next day.
    By the love of her life.
    The only one she could ever trust.
    The only one she had ever known.
    Just found her in a puddle, that would soon turn to dust.
    The only one who actually knew her.
    And understood what she could do.
    Found her dead.
    Never to hold her again.
    She was gone.
    AS quickly as she came.
    Would he be the next one to join her in her life of pain?