• when your mad your true emotions come out you use such profanity you never knew .when u get angey there's a new form a life poisoning you going depper and depper into your body creating a such desease as hate, makeing you cry makeing you scream. see this poison is not fine and is set for the enemy when you are too close to the poison you too also get posiend. when you get mad dark gloomy creature's arrose from the dark coming from the light swallowing you depper in a black whole of that so called poison . when your touched by that poisen a masked comes over your true identy blocking out those lost memory for ever gone in your haert never to be found.anger makes you die slowly and deeply in emotions looseing your self becomeing those who like to poison you spred like a daease making people sick because when your around i get contagoes so beware of my poison. twisted