• Pain makes me want to die pain that makes me want to cry pain makes me want to weep
    Pain that makes me want to seep in to a darkness that never show light
    Pain sends people to an end so soon but for me i go through but can't sleep through
    Pain gives dreams that make me think will it happen or will it disappear in to the back of a mind that is unclear
    Pain that makes me want to die pain that makes me want to cry pain make me want to weep pain that makes me want to seep in to a blank world
    Pain makes me want to look at things as nothing more then a bleak world like nothing is good or bad its just blank to my sad in eyes
    Pain that makes me want to die pain that makes me want to cry pain makes me want to weep pain that makes me want to seep in to a puddle of blood
    Pain makes me cut myself
    Pain makes me want death to come a take me away to a place that only i can stay
    Pain tells death to leave room in that dark abyss he has for whom is worth of death so quickly that is open freely for so many who are sicken of what they've seen and what they cant take and what makes them wake screaming for nothing more then a forgot lore.
    Pain brings people to a forgotten stand still and to a never ending of land filled pain
    Pain makes want to die pain makes me want to cry pain makes me weep pain makes me want to seep in to a world of souls and a world alone no one there to guide me no one there to hold my hand and say this way no one there to say hello no one to see your show no one but pain and thats all there is pain for me so you see pain is all i have its all i am its all i can feel and all I can see so pain is for me and nothing is good or bad all it is is another way to live in a life of solitude.
    Pain makes me want to die pain makes me want to cry pain makes me weep and pain makes me want to go in to an eternal sleep.