• You know that I miss you
    And I will never forget you
    And yesterday was the day you slipped away
    Now today isn't the same
    Never got to kiss you
    Now I don't know what I'm gonna do
    Because I miss you so bad
    So much I think forever I'll be sad
    But now your gone and theres nothing else for me to say
    Your now free to do whetever you may
    But remember this I will always love you
    Because I loved what you used to do
    But I don't think I can take it
    Because this time I wasn't faking it
    Yesterday was the day you slipped away
    Now everything isn't ok
    You touch was so warm
    Even your breathe as it touched my cold skin was so warm
    Your eyes glistened in the light
    Brown eyes yet so bright
    But now i miss you
    I regret I never got to kiss you
    But thats the past
    Because yesterday you slipped away so fast
    I loved what you used to do
    Now all I want you to remember is that I love you