• Sitting on my bed
    staring at my wrist
    i did this to me
    i made it bleed
    i made it red
    i made it scared
    with pain
    thats uneraseible.
    Walking day by day
    a smile on my face
    to bad everyone
    doesn't know
    its FAKE
    no one can see
    no one can help
    this is me
    night by night
    i'm on my bed
    crying my eyes out
    my wrists stained red.
    Drip drip
    there it goes
    a pick up a gun
    and then it blows
    my bed once white
    is now red
    because of my filthy
    i chose to
    Suicide was my answer
    and i did this to me
    i made myself
    screwed up and
    the one
    who everyone blamed
    the one they called
    emo the one who
    never had a dream
    the who was dark
    and never full of light
    so as the clock ticked
    and as i reached
    for that gun
    o so shiny and new
    i said to myself...
    "********. You."