• Lonliness... it creeps up on you
    you know it's there but you try to ignore it
    you fight with reason and honesty
    to deny the fact that it's there
    when all the time you are looking
    for the very thing that is looking for you.

    You question the truth
    because its easier to accept the lie
    because the lie hurts less
    and its something you want to hear.

    You distract yourself
    with the hurdles of life
    hurdles you often create yourself
    without realisation.

    You wonder why
    things have been so difficult lately
    you wonder what you have done
    to deserve them.

    They just dont get it do they?
    they cant see the demon on your shoulder
    you wish they could,even for a second
    then they would understand.

    not that it would make things better
    infact now it's worse
    those that know can now see you
    your vulnerability, your weakness.

    You sit alone.
    there are people about
    but you just cant reach them
    your not really trying hard enough anymore.

    You want them to try for once
    at least it would show they saw something
    -something inside you worth trying for
    but no. they don't care.

    What the hell is wrong with you?
    why cant you fuction normally?
    and be happy for what you have
    not sad for what you have lost.

    You know why, but there is nothing you can do
    you have dug your own grave
    and now all you need to do
    is climb in it and die.

    will things ever change?
    i can feel it still a leak in my soul
    a puncture in my heart, bleeding into my life
    how long before theres no soul left?

    Could you ever get it back?
    so here you are. here i am
    living my life sitting alone writing it all down
    and referring to myself in the third person.....