• Is this a war worth fighting?
    Are you worth fighting for?
    I think you are but…
    But I know every bit of fight would only push you away
    Do I risk it?
    Do I give everything I have for the only one I want?
    Or do I sit here…
    A lost soul wandering in the darkness
    Longing for the candle blown away by the storm
    Just waiting…
    And hoping you’ll come back
    Because you are the only love I can ever feel
    My heart bears a scar that you gave
    And forever it will linger on my soul
    My soul destroyed in some tragedy long foretold
    But regret never found it’s way
    Every second spent is one I’ll never get back
    And they are the only seconds I could never ask returned
    Because they were with you
    And even if in the end
    If all my hopes crash into the concrete and shatter my existence
    I’ll always have them
    The minutes were worth all the waiting for you
    And the times when you were far
    I knew that you were near me
    And now you’re near me
    Always close and always there for me
    The one who takes care of me and makes sure I’m happy
    The only one worth fighting for
    And the only war
    I would never fight
    If only to keep you for a second
    And a thought