• I was halfway through the Looking Glass
    when someone called my name,
    and then that someone took my hand
    and pulled me far away.
    Some what through the darkenned night
    the dream got worse and worse,
    then suddenly it felt like
    I was riding in a hearse.
    I could see the windows flicker
    with a sudden flare of light,
    and as soon as I looked out
    I could feel my heart take flight.
    I was riding through a cemetery
    parched upon the Devil's grave,
    and as so I saw the fire
    I knew I had to be brave.
    I could see the thousands of creatures
    as they climbed upon the stones,
    and the ones that I did not
    I could hear their sickly moans.
    Gathered together within the embers
    there rose a lusty blaze,
    over shadowing a coal stone hill
    stood a thrown outside the haze.
    Bounded down with chains
    all as thick as can be,
    I stood at the very top
    and gazed upon Hell's Sea.