• As I walk in the dark... in that cold bleak dark,
    I do not linger from ur image.
    I do not stray from the thought of ur beauty,
    Ur heart,
    Ur soul.

    The very beauty, heart, and soul that pierce the dark,
    And guide me safely through the cold and the bleak, and the dark.
    For u are my shining star,
    My light in the darkness,
    And I am the devoted follower of the star.
    If not for u iwould be lost,
    And with that, I love u.

    I love u with the energy of the first kiss.
    Like the ocean brushes against the shore,
    My lips wish to press against urs.
    Ur lips.
    The heart throbbing, ruby red lips.
    Those as sweet as strawberries.
    Those as soft as silk.
    Without the memory of those lips, I would be truely lost.

    Ur eyes.
    Those eyes full of spark,
    of joy,
    of love.
    Without those eyes I would be truely lost.

    Not a single part of u can be the only explanation for my devotion.
    It is not just ur heart,
    ur soul,
    ur eyes,
    ur lips.
    It is all of u that is alluring to me.
    U as a whole is the only image that keeps me,
    Me ur devoted follower,
    From being truely lost.