• Girl: If I'm an angel
    Why do you hate me
    If I'm an angel?
    Boy: If you're an angel
    Why are you still here
    If you're an angel?
    Girl: When all----- I have---- is ta----ken----
    Boy: All----- I have---- is ta----ken------
    Together: Take my hand
    And lead me awa-ay
    If I'm an angel
    Girl: When all----- we have----- is ta----ken----
    Boy: All----- we have---- is ta-----ken------
    Girl: Take my hand and lead me awa-ay if I'm an angel (2x)
    (same time)
    Boy: When all----- we have------ is ta----ken----- All---- we have----- is ta-----ken-----
    Girl: I wake with the sunrise-----
    Boy: (starts on 'rise') I wake with the sunrise.
    Together: As if I'm an angel (2x)
    Girl: Take--- my--- hand----
    I'm fa-----lling-----
    Boy: (starts on 'lling') When all we have, when all we have, is ta---ken-----
    Girl: Take my hand----
    Boy: (starts on 'hand') And lead me awa-ay
    Together: If I'm an angel
    Girl: If I'm an angel why do you hate me if I'm an angel
    (same time)
    Boy: When all we have, when all we have
    Together: I'm fa------lling-----
    Take---- my----
    Boy: When all we have
    Girl: Is ta--ken
    Girl: If I'm an angel why do you hate me if I'm an angel
    (same time)
    Boy: If you're an angel why are you still here if you're an angel
    Together: Take my hand and lead me awa-ay if you're an angel (2x)