• My Life Is So Fun But Theres Many Things Not Done Like On Gaia Im Trying To Get A Outfit And I Have A Cat Named Mia In Real But Its Not A Big Deal Thats My Life Its Not Yours Its Mine I DAted Many Ppl When I WAs Young It Was Sorta Fun I Like Eating Buns I Have Many Friends Its Like Theres No End To How Many Friends I Wil Get I Love My Pets I Have Two Cats One Is Clifford The Other Is Mia She Likes To Barf And I Have A Cute Scarf I Have A Two Brothers And One Mother I HAve One Dad Hes Not Bad Hes Super Nice I Wonder If He Likes Mice? Well My Grandma Has Two Dogs They Are So Cute One Follows My Grandma Around Hes Not A Mutt But Hes Such A Great Dog Hes Really Nice And The Other One Is A Cool Cute Dog She Drools When Theres Food But Otherwise Shes Nice To Be Around Well This Is The End Of My Life Poem It Was Great Expressing My Feelings Bye Hmm Should I Eat Some Pie lol