• I wear my heart on my sleeve
    Like i wear these scars on my chest
    They are like a bulletproof vest
    Preventing any harm, Preventing me,
    From backing down and leaving,
    Ive come so far to stop, And ive done so much
    To do nothing, so i will do everything i can
    I will stand, take what comes at me,
    Before, in a situation like this, i ran
    But im done running, And looking back at it
    its kinda funny, Life is amusing, and really confusing
    And im about to change mine, But not for the final time,
    Even if im in a bind, i will look for the signs, that will help me find
    The thing i desire most, Freedom, Happiness, Something to look forward too
    something to move towards, Something that afterwords i can laugh and reminisce
    About the time i had my first kiss, The things i wished for and achieved
    The things that i missed, and the things that i couldn't change with these fists