• Didn't mean to hurt anyone
    This song was meant for truth

    The hearts that treated me wrong
    I cling to you

    You made me as strong as I am today
    You were so wrong, in every way
    Continues on, those people will pay

    The bullies who hurt me inside
    I'm glad you didn't even mind
    That you helped me stick up for myself
    So thank you, and you...

    and even you
    The one who watched and watched as it grew
    You had no self-asteem
    I'm sorry you didn't see it like me
    (I pity you so much)

    And for the stick up pretty girls
    You liked me, sure.
    But it ain't fair
    That you said I was your friend
    But we never hanged out ever never
    You saw me grow to be mature
    I'm sorry you didn't
    (I pity you alot)

    And to my ex-BFF
    we were so close...
    I told you secrets, you told them too
    Well, they ain't secrets anymore and thats the truth
    You hung out with the "in-crowd"
    Instead of me
    At least I got lots of friends tooo
    (I pity you for not being a good friend)

    To them all!
    (I pity them all)

    And to the one who hurts so much
    I see you there
    You stick up for yourself alot
    I see you there
    Your heart is almost completly gone
    But you're rebuilding it with some help
    (I almost pity me)

    ;( wink