• The day I hurd you had been taken away
    my heart bleed like it had been riped out and stabed over and over
    i demandede to know who did it
    i got no answer
    my heart was still broken and shaterd
    the water flowing from my eyes felt like lava
    i thought they would never end
    my brain was going crazy with questions but no answers
    my friend
    my angle in flesh
    gone forever
    the pain the madness i was going thro
    the hate rid towrd the man who took his life
    for nights after i had dreams of the shooting
    the man had taken a life from me
    i was not there that night but it feels like he took a peace of my heart
    he saved his sister from the bullet
    he shed blood for her
    for him i am greatfull
    for i almost lost 3 people i love
    insted i lost one
    my feelings for him were out of the ordanary
    they were deep and true
    but for that he never know how i felt
    today it has been a month and some days sence i have seen his smile
    seen that smile that would brighten ever day
    his jokes that made me laugh day to day
    and my best firend
    i lost all that in less then a second
    the min. the guy shot
    gone it was all over