• Through the eyes of the lover lies hope, the eyes of the lover’s heart
    A solemn promise made of passion, a promise to never be apart
    The lover’s job is specified, to always remain loyal and true
    A duty held of highest respect, a solid pledge of “Me and you”
    Behind the eyes held by the lover, the emotion never falters
    Through the eyes of the lover’s target, the true felt emotion alters
    Gazing through the love-filled sockets, the lover is blinded by feelings
    Unsure of what to do or how to react when left with broken dealings
    A bump in the road on the path of life, nothing more than a heartfelt slip
    Soon comes to be realized of just how quickly the emotions felt are able to dip

    Through the eyes of the loved lies hurt, confusion of the way things had played out
    A solemn promise made long ago, now lies stranded in a sea of painful doubt
    To place the fault on the loved is wrong, a feeling of confusion is of no blame
    In truth the fault is placed on the lover, the loved who is unable to speak the name
    The sea of doubt is large in depth, a wary traveler long since lost in its grasp
    On the horizon a clear wind fights to blow, hurling out the storm of sorrow’s wrath
    The clouds of judgment dance and dash inside the eye of the sorrowful display
    Winding pathways of roads not taken combine together without delay
    The golden days come to a defining close, the pages of one chapter arriving at an end
    A cover of a new story book revealed, containing a new chronicle around the bend

    Through the eyes of the observer, the event remains shrouded in wonder
    Not able to understand the gravity or the miscalculation resulting in blunder
    Donning a melancholy mask to try and better the situation currently at hand
    Words of consideration do little to assist, or offering to help it stand
    Emotions buzz angrily about as if constantly searching, scanning for a way
    To prove to the loved and the lover as one that keeping hope alive will prove one day
    That all things considered, a course of action taken may have bettered the two together
    A course run by fate can never be wrong, following its preset plan down to the letter
    Left unattended the hearts of the lost lovers fight for an end to the heartache deep
    The bond shared by the two unable to overcome, forever doomed to silently weep

    Through the eyes of the controller, the events played out are always on cue
    The higher being, so to speak, knows what is best and always is for the two
    Whether today or in the future, the two shall eventually be reunited
    A feeling once lost to the pain of doubt will now eventually once again be sighted
    As if puppets led by a set of gilded strings, the two meet and easily befriend
    Over time the bond shared grows, eliciting a vow to be together to the end
    Time is relative, emotions are malleable, the steadfast flow of life moves on
    Until upon a form of blockade the process stops, forever, or perhaps not, gone
    The once gilded strings decay to ashes, letting the puppets fall their separate ways
    Wrapping up a time era lasting a lifetime, granting a connection for the rest of their days

    Through the eyes of the lover lies remorse

    Through the eyes of the loved, it's run its course

    Through the eyes of the observer, a hopeless force

    Through the eyes of the controller, it can no longer endorse

    All through the empty eyes, all unable to return to their respective source