• The life that I live
    Is sucky and stupid
    I hate it totally
    And completely unphased
    Should I end it?
    Should I die?
    Should I stay alive?
    Or stop my heart?
    To these I have no answer
    No explination of any kind
    Please, someone update me
    I don't want to be behind
    It's boring here
    And I'm already dead
    Maybe not physically
    But yes, in my head
    Why should we live?
    We die anyways
    Some people may love it
    But I'm not phased
    We may as well not exist
    There's nothing but pain and death
    Some drink alcohol
    Stuipd people do meth
    This whole world sucks
    But we endure it each day
    More than once in a lifetime
    Someone passes away
    Why the pain?
    Why the sorrow?
    Another day passes
    And there goes tomorrow
    A new day comes
    What's the point of it all?
    Everything sucks in this life
    Might as well be as wall
    Why create humans?
    When there could be others?
    A different being
    Different mothers
    It's all so annoying
    When you can't figure it out
    So obnoxious
    When people shout
    Annoying as hell
    When you're living a life
    And for no reason at all
    What's the point?
    Seriously, why?
    Why do we exist?
    It's confusing me
    Covers me like a mist
    I hate it all
    So much indeed
    This life we live
    We don't need
    We don't need it
    That's for sure
    Not at all
    We don't need more
    More people in this world?
    No thank you
    If they don't stop coming
    I might want to sue
    I hate the people
    We all need to die
    Yes, I'm mean
    Don't look at the sky
    I love it when a disaster occurs
    Lots of people die
    Less of a nusience
    I sit and laugh while others might cry
    It's funny
    I love it
    To watch people die
    Funny god damnit
    So now I close it down today
    Goodbye everyone
    We'll all die one day