• A wintry tribute to the night,
    The clouds blot out the stars;
    The moon, now one dull point of light
    Does not light up this dark lot full of cars.
    Keeping my mind wandering
    Is the best thing I can do
    To keep myself from floundering
    And dwelling on the wetness in my shoes.
    I look, I search with no success
    Across the snowy ground;
    I just encounter emptiness,
    And know my car is nowhere to be found.
    A few emotions congregate,
    First anger and then fright,
    As I attempt to contemplate
    Just how my car was pilfered on this night;
    But then I sigh and shake my head,
    And turn to go inside,
    For suddenly it hit me then
    And I remember where I parked my ride.
    You see, it had been snowing hard
    And I had no desire
    To brush the snow off of my car
    And just be that much later to retire,
    So back through hallways I traverse
    In one great, jagged line,
    Although I find it quite perverse
    That I parked in the garageā€¦to save time.