• "Ba-Bum" is the rhythm that I run to,
    and "Ba-Bum" is the rhythm that I sleep to.
    "Ba-Bum" is a metaphor behind every life
    the sound that keeps a husband holding hands with his wife
    the feeling of sifting through a pile of sand,
    the inscription of your feelings on a golden wedding band.

    "Ba-bum" is what it means to be happy,
    and "Ba-bum" is what it means to be sad.
    When you're seeing your kids to their preschool,
    or watching them bury your dad,
    you're feeling the message inside you;
    when looking for the one to confide to,
    listen close, listen hard, and prepare to be scarred,
    because you don't know when "Ba-Bum" will find you.