• Crossed lemon stripes,
    faded indigo jeans,
    I breathed a sigh of relief,
    as my fingers traveled over the seams.

    I had been lost in bubble gum dreams,
    and strawberry ice cream,
    yet time had tarnished them.

    And when I glanced upon them once more,
    I couldn't help but lift them from the floor,
    and cradle them in my arms.

    And for some odd reason I was startled by my reaction to them,
    they were only faded memories of lost wishes,
    but yet they seemed to be made of my mother's kisses,
    as she pushed me out to school each morning.

    If you searched farther still,
    the slight scent of coconut oil,
    uncoiled itself into the clothes,
    growing longingly into this empty till.

    That's when I knew why,
    I smiled when it brought me so much heart ache,
    and why it seemed to me,
    that it smelled of safety.