• I know why God gave me these obstacles in my life: to make me a stronger person.
    I just wish that I knew why He trusted me so much.
    There's only so much one girl can take,
    But I can't imagine how all this could be hard.

    I don't know where my life will lead,
    But I sense something around me,
    And I hope that my sense is good.

    For these scars on my arms tell a story differant from the girl you see,
    Differant from the girl who is having a war,
    A war with Life,
    A war with Love,
    A war with herself.
    And I don't know how much longer I can take.

    So until I can overcome this forest of darkness,
    This forest of myself.
    I shall walk through it; tripping and stumbling along the way.
    And if I fall one day and look what will I see?

    Will I see the light shine throught the top of the trees where I will know hope is still alive?
    Or will I still see black nothingness?
    Oh, if only I could know for sure.
    O, si solo puedie saber para verdar.