• Today i tasted popularity
    and tomarow all i felt was peoples charity
    what happend you may ask
    a change, an event, spontenouse cumbostion (woot fire)
    yes and no
    i saw today the homless, the reched
    and then i saw the rich drinking from their glasses filled to the brim with imported wine
    today and yesterday, and day, and day again
    i see two things the road of the damned, and the road of the trully blessed
    who do you think is better in this world may i ask of you?
    the one who can drink from a goblet of gold and spit out only fire
    or the one who walks away from the spoils of the deaths of others,
    am i better then he?
    am i any smarter then he?
    then what makes he and i so different
    what makes me so different from those who try SO hard to be accepted?
    everyday i look deep within myself
    and ask
    shall i see the worlds deppression
    or shall i walk away from the sadness
    a guide is what i said to you
    and i will tell you these words of infinite wisdome
    not because they come from my mouth
    but becuase they come from the mouthes of millions of others
    why do we see those who look beutiful to be better then those whom are average?
    Or look and pitty those whom act outside of the now spoiled rotten norm?
    I ask of you, why do we see these people as gods?
    and i answer to my self without a breath to lose
    i am greater, becuase i am i
    not one of the thousands
    but just a drifting cloud in the sky
    you will remeber me for a second
    but you will soon understand my pain
    i ask my self how someone can enjoy material things more then true affectionate love
    and i say
    and i say it again withought any heart content
    i am me
    i am i
    I am different and yet the same, so who are you?
    other then a cloud drifting amongst the others
    it is time my drifting cloud
    my child of conformity
    it is time for the winds to blow you towards a new direction
    a direction towards your own heart
    so that you, may finally be readied to answer the question
    what makes you better then any other
    and you will answer
    for i am i