• I’ve witnessed death.
    The final breath,
    Can still cause me to shiver.
    Drowned haunts and ghosts,
    On shipwrecked boats,
    Were lost upon this river.

    A wedding this time.
    Vows were made atop Tower Rock.
    The groom in his best coat,
    Helped his bride on the boat,
    As they pushed off from the dock.

    Against the tide,
    They rowed for their lives,
    But the river will always prevail.
    Now they’re tangled in weeds,
    And the fish come to feed,
    On what’s left of he bride’s tattered veil.

    I’ve seen it all,
    French and Spanish fall.
    With them I share the horror.
    So far from home,
    In a sea of foam,
    The whirlpool took every explorer.

    Indians who,
    Were swept away, too,
    Still cause me to shiver.
    Though they knew more,
    Their canoes still tore,
    Because no one can outsmart the river.

    But before me today,
    Boys in blue and gray,
    Dead and dying, I could tell.
    All of them blown apart
    Put a wound in my heart
    No wonder they say war is hell.

    But this vision was strange.
    There has been a change.
    Before I’ve seen only the past.
    But this hasn’t come yet
    And no one can stop it
    This future is coming fast.